

Registration procedure for standard participants


SuperFOx2025 is supported by “Science is Cool” (SCOOL), a non-profit Cultural Association promoting educational activities and scientific events aimed at engaging, at different levels, people with science.

In order to facilitate a large participation at SuperFOx2025, a VAT-free registration fee will be offered to SCOOL members.

IMPORTANT: you do not have to pay for the subscription fee (2€) to the Scool Association as it will be offered by the SuperFOx organization.


To register, complete the following two steps:


  1. Apply for SCOOL membership by visiting the site  (please tick CASH PAYEMENT in the  annual cost field, so we can pay for you!).

  2. Fill the registration form below, indicating you subscribed to SCOOL by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
    (registration form to the SuperFOx2025 conference)

The registration to the conference will be acknowledged by an e-mail (in two/three working days) containing the payment instructions and, for SCOOL members, also the SCOOL association number.

In the unfortunate case of cancellation of the event, refunding will be guaranteed to those who are associated to SCOOL.

If you prefer not to subscribe to SCOOL, skip step 1 and complete step 2. The total amount to be paid for completing the registration will be the fee indicated above plus 22% VAT.
The applicant should be aware that registering to this conference he or she gives his/her consensus to publish his/her name and affiliation in the list of attendees, program and proceedings and badge, according to GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679.


Registration payment can be made either by bank tranfer (early and regular registration), or by credit card (on-site registration).



Registration procedure for keynote and invited speakers

To register, complete the following step: